2024-2025 Mid Season Wildcats & Coaches Evaluation (Woodstock Wildcats)

2024-2025 Mid Season Wildcats & Coaches Evaluation
The purpose of this form is to gather feedback regarding the current season of play. Please be honest and objective when submitting your response. Our coaches are always looking for feedback on what they could do better, but please ensure the feedback is constructive. Personal attacks are unacceptable, and make volunteers want to think twice about stepping up in future years. Please note that we require contact information for anyone who completes the survey. All data collected will stay confidential and the coaching staffs will never be shown who provided what feedback. You may be contacted with a follow up to discuss your feedback This form will only be sent to the President of the Organization. If there are any more questions or concerns, you can send an email directly to [email protected].

Contact Information

Feedback about the team and organization

1 star = Lowest Rating ; 5 Stars = Highest Rating

Feedback about the Coach

1 star = Lowest Rating ; 5 Stars = Highest Rating

If there are any more questions or concerns, you can send an email directly to [email protected].
By checking this box I agree that my statements are my own opinion and that I am making an honest assessment of the individuals referenced.