Sep 25, 2021 | Chris Pepper | 1063 views
U11B Selections
Final tryout list September 25
On behalf of the coaches, we would like to thank ALL the girls for coming out to the tryouts and for all the positivity and effort everyone put in. After careful consideration by the coaches and evaluators, we are happy to announce the following girls have been selected for the U11B team:
K. Araujo
B. Birtch
K. Blain
A. Canning
A. Elliott
A. Ellery
M. Finbow
D. Henry
B. Lindsay
T. Mazur-Flanagan
N. Paton
A. Pepper
G. Pickard
S. Sitko
M. Trepanier
M. Weber
To the above girls, please report to the practice tomorrow at 10 am.
We are looking forward to an exciting season and hopefully a full season of hockey! We want to wish all the girls continuing in the process good luck in the C try outs and local league.
See you at the rink!
Chris Pepper, Jay Elliott and the U11B coaches.
*Please check the U11C page for the list of those players continuing on with their process.